Kyoichi Inoue


(b. 10 September 1935). 8th dan Yoshinkan Aikido. Graduate of Chuo University. Entered YOSHINKAN AIKIDO dojo in 1955 together with Takashi KUSHIDA. Became a full-time aikido instructor of policewomen at Metropolitan Police School in December 1970. Taught police classes until his retirement when he assumed the position of Dojo-cho lot Yoshinkan Aikido Hombu Dojo in Ochiai, Tokyo. Presently the Kancho-cho of the headquarters dojo.

Encyclopedia of Aikido [INOUE, KYOICHI]


Yoshinkan Aikido Dojocho Kyoichi Inoue

Yoshinkan Inoue Kancho Demo in Canada

Inoue kancho (9th Dan) Yoshinkan Aikido Enbukai in Tokyo


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